The Walking Dead‘s third half of the final season is due to air this upcoming fall. With so many years behind this series, fans are eager to see the epic conclusion.
Within the nearly eleven seasons, the audience has seen dozens of characters come and go. However, the long-running series has some characters that have been on the series for many years. While the apocalypse has changed anyone who made it through alive, some of these characters have gone through exceptional changes from the time they appeared.

This one may seem like a no-brainer considering Judith was in utero when she was first mentioned and appeared first as an infant.
However, one of the exceptional things about the time jumps in this series is being able to see the children grow up when they were born during the apocalypse. Judith goes from a toddler having to be cared for and protected, to a young child who is able to wield her own weapon and take care of herself as well as others. Though she’s still so young, Judith Grimes has already proven she’s a good fighter and fit to survive the dangerous world.

Eugene has come a long way since his first appearance on the show. When he’s first introduced, he’s being cared for by Rosita and Abraham due to a lie he told them and unable to protect himself at all.
Though Eugene does become a villain of sorts during his time under Negan’s thumb, he does end up redeeming himself when he messes up ammo and kills most of Negan’s Saviors during the final stand-off. Currently in the series, though he has been through a lot that threatened to break his spirit, Eugene is capable of defending himself and others and is a valued member of the group.

Rosita has always been a tough character, proving right from the start she was not only able to survive, but also able to keep others safe.
However, in the past, she was known to withdraw from the group and become an angry, stoic character who was only focused on revenge and fighting. In recent years she is a mother and an important member of the group. Her loving personality has really come through, allowing the audience to see just how determined she is to have a good, happy life.

Aaron became a fan favorite early on when he first appeared on the show. Though the people were cautious to trust the Alexandria recruiter, he had a trustworthy personality and a caring demeanor.
Now, Aaron has been in some of the most memorable moments in the first couple of halves to the final season. Though he is still a loving person, Aaron’s time fighting to survive, especially following the fight with the Saviors and The Whisperers, has left him with a tough outer layer, leaving him less trustworthy of unknown people.

When the audience first meets Michonne, she is a loner dragging around two walkers to protect herself. After being exiled from society for so long, it took her some time to get used to being around people.
After years of Michonne being such an important member of the group, she left after finding evidence that Rick might still be alive. In the movies announced about Rick, fans are hoping Michonne’s character will make an appearance. Given that she set out on a mission to find her lost spouse, it’s likely she could play a prominent role in the upcoming movie trilogy.

When the audience first meets Gabriel, he’s a scared, cowardly man holed up in his church. After the group learns he turned away his own parishioners at the beginning of the end, it took a while before he earned his place.
In the present time, Gabriel is one of the leaders of Alexandria. He is no longer fearful and selfish, but has instead learned how to defend himself and would give his life for any of the survivors under his care. Gabriel has had one of the most outstanding transformations, going through some difficult trials to get where he is.

So much has happened to the sheriff’s deputy since he woke up from his coma in the abandoned hospital at the beginning of the apocalypse. Rick quickly became a leader of the survivors, but he also changed a lot throughout the years.
Up until his departure in season 9, Rick went from trusting other people, to hardly trusting anyone outside their circle, and finally to giving people a chance while also being cautious and using his instincts to judge others’ character. Now, fans are eager to learn what will come of Rick during the promised movies.

Negan has had one of the most exceptional character arcs in this series. The first time the audience meets the Saviors’ leader, he holds most of the prominent characters hostage and kills two beloved characters viciously and without mercy.
After the fall of the Saviors, Negan is kept in a cell for several years facing a life sentence. However, when the time came that they needed him, he was set free. After that, he begins to earn the trust of many members of the group and even builds a couple of strong bonds with the Alpha’s daughter Lydia and Judith.

Many people have argued that Carol has the most amazing character arc in the series. Starting off as a battered housewife with no voice of her own, the audience would barely recognize the old character compared to the strong woman she’s become.
Carol has lost her soft demeanor, transforming into a strong-willed, capable character who does whatever she has to do to protect the people she cares for. Though Carol has made some decisions that fans didn’t approve of, she’s proven to be a force to be reckoned with.

Daryl has arguably had the most extraordinary growth throughout the series. When the audience first meets Daryl Dixon, he’s an angry redneck who doesn’t trust others and thinks very little of the other survivors.
For a while, fans were wondering if Daryl was going to leave the group and go off on his own. Therefore, it was a great evolution to see him become a member of the group that would do anything within his power to protect the people he now considers his family. Considering his abused background and distrustful nature, Daryl’s ability to trust others and love while also holding on to his own personality made his growth the most impressive.