TWD Death Shocks Fans and Potentially Spoils a Crucial Daryl Dixon Season 2 Storyline!

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon' Isabelle

The following contains spoilers for The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 2.

With only two episodes left to Daryl Dixon Season 2, the spin-off is gearing up for another epic finale to the titular character’s fresh storyline. His journey in France has reached new heights in the second season, creating a complex plot that involves various villains and obstacles. This season also brought back Melissa McBride’s beloved Carol, reuniting the two friends in the latest episode. However, this recent development in the storyline also came with a shocking and heartbreaking tragedy.

After Isabelle Carriere’s consistent importance in the spin-off, she met a brutal and devastating conclusion. This not only continued an unpopular trend in The Walking Dead franchise but left the storyline of Daryl Dixon uncertain. Though Carol’s goal when journeying to France was to bring Daryl back home, he had different intentions following the demise of Isabelle. Based on the plot of this season and Daryl’s perspective following this tragedy, Daryl Dixon Season 2 hints at a major plot point in the next couple of episodes that will determine the progression of the spin-off.

Isabelle’s Demise Upended the Daryl Dixon Plot

Isabelle Carriere and Daryl Dixon holding hands on The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon

At the beginning of Daryl Dixon, the titular character wanted nothing more than to return to the United States and his people. However, viewers knew that Daryl’s European adventure was just getting started. In the first episode of the spin-off, Isabelle meets Daryl and convinces him to help her and Laurent on their journey to get them to a haven. Though Isabelle changed some of her perceptions after meeting Daryl, such as questioning if Laurent is the “Messiah” chosen to save humanity, it was clear early on that these new companions would influence the beloved character. This is made obvious when Daryl has the opportunity to travel back to the U.S. but turns around to save Laurent from walkers, thus ruining his only foreseeable chance of going back home.

By Season 2, Daryl’s attachment to his new-found allies was blatantly clear. Though he didn’t trust most of the other supposed good guys in France, Isabelle and Laurent became a part of his found family. In Season 2, Episode 2, “Moulin Rouge,” the relationship is firmly established when Daryl and Isabelle kiss and Daryl vows to take them to the United States to live safely in the Commonwealth. Though controversial, this was an endearing moment that gave viewers hope Daryl would not only have a love interest but a wholesome, loving conclusion. This romantic view of the storyline was squashed when Isabelle was stabbed by Losang in Season 2, Episode 4, “Le Paradis Pour Toi” and succumbed to her wound shortly after reuniting with Daryl.

The loving moment Daryl and Isabelle had before her death was a moving ending for the character, but that didn’t stop fans from being outraged that yet another new TWD character has been killed off in favor of the long-running characters’ plot armor. Daryl Dixon gave viewers just enough time to get to know Isabelle before killing her off, continuing an unpopular Walking Dead trend. Despite this, there’s no indication that Isabelle’s demise was entirely unnecessary and will not serve the progress of the storyline. On the contrary, Isabelle’s death solidified Daryl’s dedication to protecting her nephew, Laurent. This turn of events, leaving the young boy Daryl now loves dearly without any other true allies, hints at a major plot twist in the supposed course of events that await Daryl and his friends in upcoming episodes.

Carol Isn’t A Replacement For Isabelle

Carol Peletier (Melissa McBride) stands in front of a tent on The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Daryl and Carol Hug in Daryl Dixon Carol Peletier and Daryl Dixon on The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Carol Peletier (Melissa McBride) stands in front of a tent on The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Daryl and Carol Hug in Daryl Dixon Carol Peletier and Daryl Dixon on The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon

One particular aspect of Daryl Dixon Season 2 that fuels the fandom’s outrage over Isabelle’s death is the return of the long-running character Carol. Reasonably, viewers are convinced that Carol’s return is a key reason the showrunners were able to kill off the French survivor, suggesting Carol is a replacement for the role Isabelle would have played in the upcoming plot. The trend of killing off both new characters and the love interests of original Walking Dead characters also substantiates this claim. On the other hand, it seems a bit unreasonable that the creators would get away with swapping Isabelle’s role for Carol’s role.

These two characters have very different roles in the franchise, especially relating to Daryl. Though Carol and Daryl had an emotional reunion in the same episode as Isabelle’s death, this is not unlike the encounters these friends have had throughout the years after a lengthy separation. Despite some fans shipping Carol and Daryl as a romantic couple, the series has clearly established their platonic love. This suggests that Carol isn’t a replacement for Isabelle, nor could Isabelle have been a replacement for the unique and beloved relationship between the long-running friends.

It’s not outlandish for viewers to suggest Carol’s return at the moment of Isabelle’s demise was a character swap. However, an analysis of Isabelle’s storyline in Daryl Dixon hints at her eventual demise. Though Daryl and Isabelle developed a deep connection, their shared investment became protecting Laurent. This was clarified when they dreamed about the three of them running away from their enemies and beginning anew in the U.S. While Daryl is the star of this Walking Dead spin-off, the young boy he met in France is in many ways the main character of the plot. Therefore, it’s unlikely Carol’s appearance resulted in Isabelle being killed off. On the contrary, Isabelle’s tragic and sudden demise will be an important influence on Daryl’s future decisions, especially concerning the safety and happiness of Laurent.

Laurent Will Continue to Influence Daryl’s Decisions

Laurent at the Union of Hope ceremony on The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon

Daryl was never convinced that Laurent was the supposed “Messiah” others believed him to be, and he wasn’t immediately invested in helping the boy fulfill his purpose. Despite this, audiences of The Walking Dead are well aware that the stoic, hardcore survivor has a soft spot for children. This was reiterated in the first season of Daryl Dixon when he fought to protect Laurent before any of them had an emotional bond. An endearing part of their relationship is that Daryl doesn’t believe Laurent is special in any spiritual way, but rather has the same dedication to protecting the boy as he has the other children in his chosen family.

Whether or not viewers believe the spiritual inclusions, there’s no denying that Laurent is a powerful Daryl Dixon character. Based on his tragic and amazing backstory of being born to a woman after she succumbed to a walker bite, Laurent is a character who has been consistently and passionately protected by the adults around him. This storyline has made him a well-rounded personality that is emboldened by his importance while yearning to pave his path as a young adult coming into his unique interests and perspectives. Unlike the other adults who wish to utilize Laurent’s supposed exceptionalism, this lovable personality is what drives Daryl to protect him.

Laurent is the reason Daryl turned back at the end of Season 1 and remained in France. It cannot be underplayed that this character chose to turn his back on his family of over a decade for a boy he’s only known for a short period. Similarly to his relationship with Judith and Rick Jr. in The Walking Dead, Daryl considers Laurent his responsibility. As the show has already outlined, Daryl’s decisions will continue to be influenced by Laurent, especially following the death of Isabelle, the only other person as equally invested in the boy’s well-being. When Daryl tells Carol he’s hesitant to bring Laurent to the U.S. and remove him from everything he’s ever known, he confirms that the child has a significant effect on the upcoming plotline.

The Setting For Daryl Dixon Season 3 Is Uncertain

Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus) on The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Losang (Joel de la Fuente) holding a staff and giving a speech on The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Ash (Manish Dayal) holding a gun and crossbow on The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 2 Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus) on The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Losang (Joel de la Fuente) holding a staff and giving a speech on The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Ash (Manish Dayal) holding a gun and crossbow on The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 2

Viewers were intrigued when Isabelle and Daryl discussed going to the United States, which suggested the upcoming season of Daryl Dixon could take place outside of Europe. However, there are a few elements to the storyline that could thwart their plan. Isabelle’s demise is an obvious change in their plans. In addition, Daryl still hasn’t reunited with Laurent, leaving the boy’s fate unknown and Daryl’s mission in France. There is also Losang’s interest in retrieving Laurent, who now has more power on his side after Pouvoir turned to his leadership following the demise of Genet. Even if Daryl decides it’s in their best interest to return to the U.S., this could be an impossibility based on the outcome of the last two episodes of Season 2.

 There have been several deaths in TWD that changed Daryl, and Isabelle’s has already had an impact on his characterization. The heartbroken warrior is no longer determined to return to his family in the Commonwealth, turning his attention to protecting Laurent and honoring Isabelle’s wishes. Though one could argue Isabelle’s desire was for Laurent to journey away from France and outside the reach of Losang, the upcoming events have the potential to completely change Daryl’s perspective about returning home.

Many die-hard fans of The Walking Dead yearn for the moment when Daryl Dixon will return to his beloved family and reunite with important characters, including Judith, R.J., Rick, and Michonne. However, there’s an important question that needs to be posed: How long can Daryl Dixon go on without the European twist? The whole concept of the spin-off relied on the titular character journeying into unknown parts of the post-apocalyptic world. Leaving this behind for another storyline set in the U.S. has the potential to tank the spin-off’s spectacular reputation. Key plot points such as Isabelle’s death suggest France will continue to be a major component in the storyline.

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