Both pretty good lookin’! Photo: Getty Images

Norman Reedus, who plays the gruff, gravelly voiced Daryl Dixon on The Walking Dead, was told to act “more good-looking” during an audition. “I remember in one of my earliest auditions, the casting director goes, ‘Can you do that a little more good-looking next time? Like the blond guy on Lost,’” Reedus told Men’s Fitness, where he graces the March cover. “And I was like, ‘What the [bleep] is that?’ I … looked up the guy and knew there was no [bleeping] way I was going to get that job. There’s no way I could be that good-looking.” Indeed, Josh Holloway is very good-looking, but if there’s anyone we’d want to share squirrel meat with at a campfire in the zombie apocalypse, it’d be you, Norman.