The Walking Dead: 15 WTF Moments From ‘Heads Up’

So, that was that then: Glenn’s most definitely still alive. Yay! I think. Heads Up was a mixed bag of an episode. Like many people, Steven Yeun’s Glenn is arguably my favourite character in the show. With that said though, I can’t help but feel that his survival after that finale in Thank You earlier in the season just felt off and a bit of a kick in the nuts to long-time viewers, although I’ll elaborate on that shortly. Elsewhere, Enid resurfaced to conveniently serve as Glenn’s waterboy (watergirl just doesn’t sound quite right, does it?) as the pair began to make their way back to Alexandria whilst also discovering some far too conveniently placed balloons. Speaking of Alexandria, Morgan’s Zen methods were questioned by some of the show’s grizzled faces, the genius idea of teaching Ron how to use a gun is put into place, there was Spencer’s ridiculous attempt at going all ‘Stallone in Cliffhanger’ to try and save the day, and then things took a massive turn for the worse as the watchtower comes crashing down through Alexandria’s walls. This latest offering was certainly one that seems to have split opinion amongst Walking Dead fans, but there were at least plenty of WTF moments dotted throughout the episode’s runtime.

15. Glenn’s Alive!

This season’s third episode, Thank You, ended with a huge shocker as longstanding fan fave Glenn seemingly bit the bullet as we saw his terror-stricken face whilst a horde of walkers feasted on some tasty intestines. After the initial shock of ‘Oh sh*t, they’ve just killed off Glenn!’, many viewers started to take stock and think about what they’d really just seen. Could the blood and guts be those of Nicholas’? As it turns out, yes. And what about if that handily-placed dumpster could fit Glenn’s body under it and serve as some sort of hiding place? Again, this turned out to be what actually happened. And so we’re to believe that Glenn managed to wait it out under the dumpster for a few days until the mass amount of walkers converged around him were magically drawn away by who knows what. As I mentioned in the intro to this piece, Glenn is probably my favourite character on the show, but him surviving just felt almost like a ‘jump the shark’ moment. The whole M.O. of The Walking Dead is that nobody is safe’ well, nobody bar a few key characters it seems. So much of the show’s success has been built around the fear that anybody could die. Shane, Dale, Lori, Hershel, Beth, and Tyreese were all big characters at times, yet death still came for them, which in turn amped up the tension and suspense of the show. With Glenn’s faux death having been revealed, it may take a while for the show to get the trust of some of its viewers back.

14. Enid’s Timely Arrival

After Glenn pulls himself out from under his dumpster safe haven, his first thought is to reach for a water bottle in front of him, only to find out that there’s literally just a few drops of H2O in said bottle. Luckily for the totally-not-dead Glenn, a familiar voice gives him a heads-up and throws down a bottle of the good stuff. That voice would indeed be Enid, last seen involved in a love triangle of sorts with Ron and Carl before she decided to leave them both behind and vamoose from Alexandria.

13. Enid’s Silence

There’s been some fan speculation that suggests Enid could end up being a part of The Wolves or A.N. Other villainous group in The Walking Dead’s future. Whilst that may or may not happen, her behaviour here can be best described as just a tad d*ckish. Poor Glenn has managed to overcome the odds and somehow survive certain death, and all he wants to know is whether his pregnant wife is okay. Unfortunately for him, Enid refuses to respond to the majority of questions before then quickly running off.

12. Undead David

Remember David? No? In a show where the majority of Alexandrians are nameless sorts, David was one of the few lucky enough to be given a name. He was also the guy who got infected during Thank You and so wrote a ‘sorry love, I foolishly got bit and am now totally, totally dead’ note for his wife Betsy. Well, poor undead Dave is back here. Unfortunately for him, it’ only an uber-brief appearance as he’s apparently got his eyeball stuck to a gate. It’s a good job that Glenn is on hand to finally put the guy out of his misery.

11. Prayers Are Pointless

It certainly appears that Rick Grimes isn’t a particularly religious sort. It also appears that he’s still got a little bit of beef with Father Gabriel. As Gabriel is seen putting up posters for a 1pm prayer meeting, Rick casually walks behind him and rips said posters down. Ooh, what a rotter! Then again, Gabriel did totally try to screw Rick over at the end of last season.

10. Training Up Ron

Yeah, because this is going to end well’ Ron, the troubled teen whose father Rick killed and whose girlfriend has been making occasional goo-goo eyes at Carl, gets taught by the grizzled Grimes clan how to fire a gun. Of course, Rick would refuse to actually let Ron fire a loaded gun, but he does still give him his own little hand cannon to get used to. Now if only Ron could find some bullets somewhere’

9. Time To Talk

All episode we see Rick and Morgan promise to get together for a little chat, and here we finally get to see it happen. Also along for the ride also are Carol and Michonne. The order of the day is how the other three characters take umbrage with Morgan’s Zen ways and refusal to kill anyone. Whilst Morgan’s methods were fleshed out brilliantly with the Here’s Not Here episode, you can kind of see some of Rick & co.’s logic when they point out that the group of five Wolves that Morgan let escape all ended up later attacking Rick. That’s certainly a “WTF, Morgan!” moment for good ol’ Rick Grimes.

8. Machete Training

There were enough training sequences featured in Heads Up that even the Rocky movies were getting jealous. If Rick teaching Ron how to shoot wasn’t enough, we find Rosita teaching some novices how to wield a machete and cut through bone. Whilst seeing Eugene doing this thing is always great, the biggest WTF moment about this whole thing was likely that we actually got to see Rosita. Seriously, where has she been for the majority of the previous six episodes?!

7. Enid Pulling A Gun

So Glenn has finally returned from his wrongly-reported demise only to have a troubled teenage girl pull a gun on him? WTF! Again, it was certainly d*ckish behaviour from Enid, but there was still part of me that was thinking that maybe it’d be for the best for her to actually pull the trigger as there’s that lingering feeling that Glenn being alive now potentially damages the credibility of the show a little. Of course, Enid would just stand there with the gun and allow Glenn to quickly take it off her before they both called each other assholes. Standard stuff then.

6. Sneaky Ron

Ron being trained how to use a gun was always going to end well, right? After his earlier lesson with Rick and Carl resulted in him not being allowed to fire off any bullets, there was always likely to be some comeback on that. The comeback here was Ron caused a mess in Olivia’s pantry so that he could distract her and then get access to her gun room and the masses of bullets that were stored there. With a handful of bullets in his possession, things are only going to go from bad to worse where Ron’s concerned as he has Carrrrrrrrl in his sights.

5. Spencer’s Escape

Spencer is lucky in that he’s one of the few Alexandrians who have been given a name, yet he’s seemingly got a bit of a death wish. This time his erratic behaviour saw him attempt to shimmy over some grappling-hook assisted rope that just so happened to dangle perilously above the horde of walkers positioned outside the walls of Alexandria. As ever, this would go horribly wrong, the rope would snap, and Spencer would be face-to-face with a group of the undead. Luckily for Spencer, help was at hand to rescue him from this doomed plan. The apparent logic was that he wanted to escape over the walkers in order to get to a car and draw the undead away from the walled community. Yeah, like that was ever going to happen’

4. Flipping The Bird

After Rick chastises Tara for her part in saving Spencer, she has the perfect response for the sour-faced, rasping Rick Grimes. If in doubt, a middle finger always comes in handy. It’s rare that anyone ever disrespects Rick, and if they do then they usually feel the wrath of the grizzled Grimes. Clearly that didn’t faze Tara as she promptly flipped the bird. In fairness to Tara, there have been quite a few times during The Walking Dead’s run where Rick has needed bringing down to the earth, and this was yet another one of those moments.

3. Rumbled

Not much gets past the nose of ever-crazy Carol. And so it’s no surprise to find out that Carol is well and truly on to Morgan and whatever he’s getting up to. Of course, we viewers know that Carol has an unwell Wolf chained up in containment, but Heads Up ends before we can see Carol’s reaction to this and to the pair of Morgan and Denise who know about this rogue. After speaking to young Sam just moments before this, Carol seemed to mellow her mood just a little’ but then again, even mellower Carol is still more batsh*t crazy than the majority of the population.

2. Signal Time

With Maggie hoping for some sort of signal from Glenn that he’s still alive, how wonderfully convenient is it that Glenn and Enid just so happen to stumble across some balloons and a helium tank. It wouldn’t be long before we’d look up into the skies surrounding Alexandria and, of course, see some balloons casually lifting up to the heavens. It was predictable, far too convenient, and far too cheesy, with many likely slapping themselves on the forehead as proceedings played out.

1. Crashing Down

The creaky watchtower was glimpsed at several points during Heads Up, but it was still a shocking moment to see the tower come crashing down here. As the tower came tumbling down, it also took out part of the walls of Alexandria, meaning that next week’s mid-season finale will see hordes of the undead descend upon the apparent safe haven. Then there’s the fact that Rick and Maggie now know that Glenn is out there, although any rescue plans may have to be put on hold for now. The early word is that next week’s episode is set to be a huge one, so expect fireworks and plenty more WTF moments to come. Agree with Heads Up’s WTF moments? Think that some were missed? Take to the comments section to make your voice heard.

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