Three blended images of Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan in The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead ended , but Negan’s journey was far from over, which means the near-endless supply of funny Negan quotes from Jeffrey Dean Morgan continues to grow. While he started out as one of the most hated characters after Glenn’s death, Negan slowly became a fan favorite by the end of the run, and even partially won over Glenn’s widow, Maggie. While Negan is best known for cracking skulls open with his trusty baseball bat, Lucille, he is also known for his one-liners, many of which are steeped in a sort of perverse and twisted sense of humor.

While Negan became more serious over time, he still had time to hit someone like Rick Grimes, Father Gabriel, or Eugene with a sharp insult from time to time. Negan’s story is not finished, as he and Maggie take on a new journey in The Walking Dead: Dead Citywhen they set out to save Maggie’s son in New York City. The funny Negan quotes keep coming in the spinoff, and despite his character growth, Jeffrey Dean Morgan still delivers Negan’s funny one-liners with a deadly sense of humor, making sure to keep everyone on the edge of their seats.

15“Holy Crap! You Are Creepy As S***!”

Season 7, Episode 4: “Service”

Father Gabriel smiling at Negan in Walking Dead.

For any character in The Walking Dead to make Negan feel uncomfortable is a feat, since he’s one of the most intimidating and – as shown by his lack of reluctance to become physically intimate with Alpha, the leader of The Whisperers – isn’t easily startled by others, no matter how strange they are. Easily one of the most laugh-out-loud Negan quotes in The Walking Dead was Negan’s introduction to Father Gabriel Stokes in the season 7 episode “Service”.

Far from a fan favorite, the cowardly priest turned begrudging hero ended up catching Negan completely off guard, and it isn’t yet known whether the scare was genuine or meant as an insult. What was especially notable about the scene was Father Gabriel’s big-smile reaction, which would be the start of a psychological tug-of-war between the two. It would later lead to something of a friendship, though a woefully imperfect and rather twisted one.

14“Eugene! I Was Goin’ For A Handshake.”

Season 8, Episode 7: “Time For After”

Eugene tries to kiss Negan's hand in The Walking Dead

One The Walking Dead character who is almost as memorable as Negan, though for entirely different reasons, is Eugene. Negan and Eugene had a rather interesting relationship, especially given how the former convinced the latter to join his side, thanks to the promise of freebies and safety. However, it quickly became clear that the relationship frequently dangled on the edge of a knife, especially given Eugene’s uncertain motives.

Negan and Eugene are almost polar opposites in terms of their personalities, and this juxtaposition understandably makes for several memorable lines of dialogue whenever the pair interact in The Walking Dead.

When Negan tried to offer friendship by offering to shake his hand, Eugene mistook the gesture and leaned in to kiss it. Negan pulled away in surprise before uttering one of the most hilarious Negan quotes. He definitely wasn’t a priest, and there was no ring to kiss. Negan and Eugene are almost polar opposites in terms of their personalities, and this juxtaposition understandably makes for several memorable lines of dialogue whenever the pair interact in The Walking Dead.

13“Pissing Our Pants Yet? It’s Gonna’ Be Pee-Pee Pants City Here Real Soon!”

Season 6, Episode 16: “Last Day On Earth”

Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) threatens people with Lucille in The Walking Dead.

Negan’s live-action introduction in the season 6 finale “Last Day On Earth” was a long-awaited moment for fans of the Walking Dead comics, and it had to make an impact. Negan was just as intimidating and memorable a presence on the page as he ended up being on-screen, so fans of both versions of The Walking Dead knew that, when he arrived, he would be one of the show’s most interesting characters right off the bat.

However, the profuse abundance of profanity spewed by the character in the comics wouldn’t cut it in an AMC show, which meant Negan quotes had to rely more on humor in order to sell himself as an effective and chilling villain. From the very first moment, it became clear that Negan was going to make audiences laugh, just as much as cringe and repulse in horror. This was a man who was king of his own little world, and those who crossed him would learn a lot about his character, from his humor to his brutal lessons.

12“Is That You, Rick? Under All That Man-Bush?”

Season 7, Episode 4: “Service”

Rick with a beard talking to a video on Walking Dead.

The best Negan quotes include lots of backhanded compliments, and while he’s perhaps at his funniest in the middle of dire or violent situations (often both), he’s also hilarious when he’s simply dishing out a little sass or flippancy to those around him. His favorite target was, of course, Rick Grimes, an altogether different kind of man than the one Negan was used to dealing with. Rick Grimes is perhaps the antithesis of Negan, something that Negan seemed to find equally fascinating and infuriating, so he made psychologically breaking Rick one of his key goals.

It was rather hilarious to see Negan poking fun at Rick’s Grizzly Adams-style outdoors look for seemingly no reason beyond seizing another chance to insult his rival.

However, the ever-resilient Rick is a match for Negan in more than one way, which means the insults had to come fast and furiously. When he finds an old recorded interview of Rick while the Saviors plundered the neighborhood, he takes one look at his unkempt apocalypse beard and drops this quote. It was rather hilarious to see Negan poking fun at Rick’s Grizzly Adams-style outdoors look for seemingly no reason beyond seizing another chance to insult his rival.

11“I Am About 50% Percent More Into You Now… Just Sayin’!”

Season 7, Episode 7: “The Portrait”

Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) flirting in The Walking Dead.

One of the most ruthless and demeanding Negan quotes came in season 7’s “The Portrait”, and while it elicited a chuckle from viewers, for many it was a nervous and uncomfortable one. While attempting to intimidate Olivia during a random visit to Alexandria, she dissolves into sobs after Negan makes a joke about her weight.

In typical Negan fashion, he apologizes to her for his rudeness, before suggesting that they have some fun in the bedroom if she’s “agreeable” to it. Olivia responded to his offer by slapping him in the face. Instead of shooting her on the spot, Negan looked pleased by the entire affair. Perhaps it was the way she stood up to him in the face of certain death, which was more than most of Alexandria’s residents would have dared.

10“Oh, You Better Be Joking! Negan… Lucille… I Know I Had To Make A Pretty Strong First Impression!”

Season 7, Episode 4: “Service”

Negan meets Spencer on Walking Dead

If any The Walking Dead character could be described as iconic, it’s Negan, especially when wielding his barbed wire-wrapped baseball bat Lucille. One of the most endearing facts about Negan for fans of The Walking Dead is that he knows just how memorable he is, as evidenced by this quote from the season 7 episode “Service”. When the Saviors and Negan showed up at Alexandria’s doorstep, they were met by Spencer, the son of the original community’s leaders — and a man none-too-fond of Rick Grimes.

Spencer started off on the wrong foot by actually having the audacity to question who Negan was when he arrived.

Spencer started off on the wrong foot by actually having the audacity to question who Negan was when he arrived. This was bad form, given the brutal murders Negan committed in the season debut. It would end up being the start of a rocky relationship between the two that would later end with Negan killing Spencer in the streets of Alexandria when the young man tried to betray Rick Grimes.

9“I’m A God Damn Cat!”

Season 8, Episode 12: “The Key”

Negan standing in his cell on The Walking Dead.

There was never a guarantee that Negan would survive until the finale of The Walking Dead, much less long enough to get his own spinoff series The Walking Dead: Dead City. There were many moments when it seemed like Negan had reached the end of his bloodsoaked road, though – much to the surprise and delight of fans – he somehow managed to evade death every single time.

Negan was seemingly un-killable, especially when Rick and his group failed to take him and his Saviors out. With time to regroup, the two sides went at it in a battle of attrition. At several points throughout the war, it seemed like Negan might have gone down for good. Yet, each time, he came back strong, with a dastardly plan in tow. When asked about his knack for escaping hairy situations, Negan responded with this quote, a reference to the number of lives cats seemingly have as they keep dodging proverbial bullets.

8“You Are Adorable! Did You Pick That Gun Because It Looks Cool? You Totally Did!”

Season 7, Episode 7: “The Portrait”

Carl aiming a gun at Negan on The Walking Dead.

If there’s one thing Negan respects, it’s confidence in the face of the zombie apocalypse, and Carl Grimes had a lot of it. However, Negan is also well aware of Carl’s youth, and the moments these two perspectives mix leads to some incredibly hilarious Negan quotes, though few can top their interaction in the season 7 episode “The Portrait”.

Negan failed to hide the genuine admiration he had for Carl, who took it upon himself to stow away in a Savior truck in the hopes that he could catch Negan off guard with an assault rifle pointed right at him.

Negan failed to hide the genuine admiration he had for Carl, who took it upon himself to stow away in a Savior truck in the hopes that he could catch Negan off guard with an assault rifle pointed right at him. Negan’s response was this incredibly hilarious and simultaneously patronizing quote. He knew that Carl lacked the courage to take him out, even if he had killed other men before. It was this type of bravado that made Negan see something in Carl, though his attempt to mold him into an apprentice ended up failing.

7“I Could Never Do This With Rick. He Would Just Be Standing There, Scowling, Giving Me That Annoying Side-Eye He Gives Me.”

Season 7, Episode 8: “Hearts Still Beating”

Negan plays pool with Spencer in The Walking Dead.

Negan isn’t just hilarious when directing insults directly at Rick Grimes, as he also spouts some incredibly funny lines about the hero of The Walking Dead when Rick isn’t even present. Such was the case in the episode “Hearts Still Beating”, when Negan summed up why — in his eyes — he and Rick were enemies rather than friends.

Spencer had big plans for himself in The Walking Dead season 7, and they would begin by courting Negan onto his side. With an animosity towards Rick, Spencer was all too willing to sell him out in exchange for becoming Alexandria’s leader, and a much more faithful servant to Negan and his Saviors. He tried to butter Negan up by dragging a pool table onto the street, so the two could shoot a few games while talking business. Many funny Negan quotes at Rick’s expense came from the interaction, which were altogether obvious given their mutual hatred for each other.

6“He Hid In One Of My Trucks And Machine-Gunned A Bunch Of My Men Down, And I Brought Him Home, Safe And Sound. And… I Fed Him Spaghetti!”

Season 7, Episode 8: “Hearts Still Beating

Negan and Rick look at Carl in The Walking DeadNegan and Rick face off in front of Carl in The Walking Dead

Negan loves nothing more than irritating Rick Grimes, and he takes delight in doing so in unexpected ways. This was the case in the season 7 episode “Hearts Still Beating”, when Negan found it absolutely hilarious that Rick was seemingly infuritated by the fact that Negan hadn’t laid a finger on Carl and, instead, had treated him like he would his own son.

Rather than get upset with Rick directly, he instead told him how he brought Carl back, and then fed him spaghetti in Rick’s own kitchen.

When Rick and his group return to Alexandria to find Spencer and Olivia dead by Negan’s doing, he is shocked and outraged. Negan saw things quite differently and started telling Rick about his son Carl’s attempt to assassinate him at the Savior compound. Rather than get upset with Rick directly, he instead told him how he brought Carl back, and then fed him spaghetti in Rick’s own kitchen. While this Negan quote is hilarious, it was also meant to send a message to Rick that Negan was the one in control, and that Rick’s loved ones live or die based on Negan’s whims.

5“… She’s Clearly A Three.”

Season 10, Episode 5: “What It Always Is”

Negan talking to Brandon in The Walking Dead.

Negan is a complicated character when it comes to sex and his views on women, as there are several moments where, for shock value as much as anything else, he makes some incredibly sexist observations — and the undead are no exception. After his “escape” from his cell in Alexandria, Negan found himself being tailed by a shadow named Brandon.

Eager to make a good impression on his chosen leader, Brandon spent their travels together talking up their old way of life in an attempt to gain Negan’s approval. The old Negan’s morbid sense of humor came out again when the two began rating undead female walkers by their looks. While Negan found it a bit odd, he still participated in the joke. He’d spent quite a while alone with his own thoughts, and no Saviors to bounce stupid ideas off of.

4“That Is A Very Mature Attitude, Father… Not The Father.”

Season 9, Episode 16: “The Storm”

Negan sitting in his cell on Walking Dead.

Many of the funniest Negan quotes come from his emotionally destroying somebody else with a single comment – and one of the most scathing of these came in The Walking Dead season 9 episode “The Storm”. Negan spent a lot of years in a lonely Alexandria jail cell with Father Gabriel serving as his jailer/part-time therapist. It wasn’t easy for either of them, with Negan stuck in a prison of his own making, and Father Gabriel being forced to contend with his stubbornness and rudeness.

In this moment, Negan showed that there’s no subject he considers off-limits when it comes to taunting others.

In this moment, Negan showed that there’s no subject he considers off-limits when it comes to taunting others. Rosita’s accidental pregnancy gave him a lot of ammo when it came to Father Gabriel. When Gabriel gave a group of survivors a rousing speech about friendship and respect, Negan decided to jump in and satirize it, before dropping the “father… not the father” scenario on him, just to rub salt in the wound.

3“This Isn’t Some Sort Of A Praying Mantis Situation, Is It? Cut Off My Head Afterwards?”

Season 10, Episode 9: “Squeeze”

Alpha shushing Negan on The Walking Dead.negan alpha's death in twd

If there was one moment in The Walking Dead where Negan’s actions drew responses of disgust from viewers for reasons other than his corrupt morality (such as when he killed off fan-favorite characters), it’s when he got physically intimate with The Whisperer’s leader, Alpha. Alpha was truly a revolting character already, but the fact that Negan kissed her while she was wearing the rotting skin of a walker made several of their shared moments even more difficult to stomach. However, it also led to an incredibly funny Negan quote in season 10’s “The Squeeze”.

Alpha led Negan out to the middle of the forest and commanded him to strip, which gave him mixed signals, to say the least. He must have been surprised to turn around and see that Alpha had done exactly the same thing. Clearly, she was interested in pursuing something with him. Nevertheless, Negan knew who he was dealing with. Negan’s “mission” was to infiltrate and sabotage the Whisperers, and kill Alpha if she proved too large of a threat. Negan obviously didn’t count on her developing sexual feelings for him, which must have clouded his parameters.

2“I’m Sorry, I Never Know Exactly Which Eye I’m Supposed To Look At. It’s A Little Bit Distracting.”

Season 9, Episode 8: “Evolution”

Negan talking to Gabriel on Walking Dead.

If there’s one thing that makes Negan’s insults so effective as a social manipulation tactic, it’s that he knows how to time them. He’ll often deliver a scathing remark at just the moment when the target thinks they’ve made some kind of breakthrough, be that getting closer to Negan or one-upping him depending on the context.

Despite all the help Father Gabriel attempted to give Negan over his long stay in prison, the latter couldn’t help but poke fun at him.

Negan spent a long time in jail, with little to do besides helping Judith with her homework and listening to local gossip. However, the many Negan quotes from his time behind bars proved he hadn’t yet lost his wicked sense of humor. It also showed that he was willing to play psychological games with anyone he perceived as a threat. Despite all the help Father Gabriel attempted to give Negan over his long stay in prison, the latter couldn’t help but poke fun at him. This time, it was over his injured eye, which Gabriel must have known was distracting and noticeable to everyone.

1“How Long Have You And The Boss Lady Been Together? Is This A ‘Beta With Benefits’ Situation? You Slide Her A Little Omega On The Side?”

Season 10, Episode 6: “Bonds”

Beta putting ear to a bag in The Walking Dead

The best Negan quote came in season 10’s “Bonds”, as it showed just how fearless he truly was. Few characters in The Walking Dead were as intimidating as Beta, the second-in-command of the Whisperers. Almost every survivor found him terrifying — every survivor, that is, except Negan. Negan’s successful infiltration of the Whisperers on The Walking Dead came with a few unexpected challenges, not the least of which was Beta, the hulking, dangerous second in command to Alpha herself.

His first few days in the Whisperer camp presented him with the opportunity to figure out the dynamics of the group, including the power players. Naturally, Negan’s own ridiculous curiosity and sense of humor took over, prompting him to ask whether Alpha and Beta were more than just Captain and Commander. This string of biting Negan quotes including mentioning the Omega sign, are quite funny when directed at Beta.