Rick Grimes’ dark story in The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live helped reinforce that the CRM are the franchise’s biggest villains yet. Although the CRM’s evil acts have been limited in Rick and Michonne’s spinoff, their presence has been felt, as they essentially kept Rick imprisoned for close to a decade. This led to Rick cutting off his own hand in The Ones Who Live‘s premiere, proving that the group pose a massive threat. Their gas attack in the following episode was a reminder of just how cruel they can be, as the gas killed two of Michonne’s allies.
Michonne and Nat barely survived the attack, and Nat was eventually shot dead by a CRM soldier. The CRM even destroyed the Omaha settlement in another Walking Dead spinoff, World Beyond, and they intended to wipe out Portland as well but were foiled by the show’s protagonists. Despite not being as personally involved as the franchise’s previous villains like The Governor or Negan, the CRM’s power is what makes them so intimidating. Having thousands of soldiers and advanced technology makes them nearly unbeatable, and the latest episode of The Ones Who Live just made the CRM even more menacing.
The Ones Who Live Episode 4 Makes The CRM More Terrifying Than Ever
Rick’s Fear Amplifies How Scary The CRM Really Is
Despite episode 4 barely featuring the CRM, it just made the villains more terrifying than ever. For most of the episode, Rick and Michonne can’t seem to get on the same page, largely due to Rick burying his feelings. While Michonne suggests they simply leave after discovering their helicopter crashed, Rick is adamant he has to return to the CRM. Eventually, Rick reveals how much the CRM has broken him mentally after his numerous failed escape attempts took a toll on him, and he explains that he can no longer envision Carl or Michonne in his dreams.
The mental struggles Rick has been facing help solidify how scary the CRM truly is. Rick had a genuinely good chance at escaping with Michonne since the helicopter crash allowed them to fake their death, yet he still refused. His fear of what the group may do shows just how afraid he is, making the CRM The Walking Dead‘s strongest villains yet. Even though their only appearance in episode 4 comes in the form of a brief helicopter appearance, their presence is felt more than ever in “Become”, providing Rick with a mental obstacle that he barely manages to overcome.
The CRM Is The Walking Dead’s Most Terrifying Villain Group Yet (Including The Saviors)
The Walking Dead Has Never Had A Villain Group As Powerful As The CRM

Although there have been plenty of intimidating villains throughout The Walking Dead‘s history, the CRM has become the most terrifying group yet. Rick opened up about his difficulty remembering his son, which signifies the extent of the CRM’s mental manipulation. They never managed to win Rick over or make him fully believe in their goal, but they did eventually make him give up on his dreams of escaping until Michonne showed up. Michonne may be key to defeating the CRM in The Ones Who Live, but even she isn’t sold on the idea of trying to take them down.
She has seen how devastating they are firsthand after the gas attack, and being inside their facility provides insight into just how big their army is. Michonne may be more optimistic, but seeing how broken Rick has become acts as a sign of how dangerous the CRM is. Being in such a numbing environment has given Rick nothing to remind him of home, contributing to him slowly losing sight of the people he loves and essentially living life on autopilot. The mental and technological superiority of the CRM surpasses any other Walking Dead villain, making them the scariest yet.
Can Rick & Michonne Actually Defeat The CRM?
The Odds Are Stacked Against Rick & Michonne

Defeating the CRM will be no easy task, and the stacks are certainly stacked against Rick and Michonne. Although their current path has them heading away from the CRM and trying to put them in their rearview mirror, it seems unlikely that will last too long. Episode 5’s trailer doesn’t suggest it will be a smooth ride home for the protagonists and that they will inevitably still have to deal with the CRM in some capacity. Fighting the CRM alone seems almost impossible, but the show’s promotional material does give Rick and Michonne a chance at taking them down.
The idea that they can do anything has been reiterated numerous times, indicating that they are the chosen ones to defeat the CRM. However, logic would dictate that just the two of them couldn’t beat an army of over 10,000 people. At best, they could potentially convince Thorne and Jadis to join their fight, alongside anyone else who is loyal to them, yet the odds would still be against them. Therefore, The Ones Who Live may need a second season for Rick and Michonne to get enough influence and allies to stand a chance against the powerful CRM.