Prince Harry has just been warned about his royal return because of Meghan Markle

Prince Harry stuck in the US till Meghan Markle agrees whats rightPrince Harry stuck in the US till Meghan Markle agrees whats right

Prince Harry has just been handed a warning about setting his royal return in motion because he’s “still got to convince Meghan that that’s the right course to do as well.”

This has been shared by the former correspondent for The Sun, Charles Rae.

He weighed in on everything while speaking to GB News and explained how the rumored isolation Prince Harry’s feeling might last a bit longer because “I do not believe that Meghan will ever set foot in this country again for a lengthy period of time. Harry has made his decision.”

And while Mr Rae admits, “I have no doubt that there are some people like the Spencers who would like to see Harry have a good relationship with his own family again, I’m convinced that’s possibly true. But whether he’s feeling that lost, I’m not entirely convinced that that’s viable.”

This comes because “He’s decided what he wants to do, and he’s now stuck with it unless he prepared to come back and say, look, dad, William, I’m really sorry for everything that I’ve done.”

The most difficult aspect in all of this however, according to the expert is that “even then, that’s a big push,” because “you’ve still got to convince Meghan that that’s the right course to do as well.”