Althea Szewczyk-Przygocki reunited with her on the lam helicopter pilot love interest Isabelle on Sunday’s episode of Fear The Walking Dead on AMC.
In the season seven episode titled ‘Reclamation,’ helicopter pilot Isabelle [Sydney Lemmon], a Civic Republic Military soldier, had been in hiding since Althea [Maggie Grace] asked her to risk her life to ferry her friends far away from the nuclear blast zone in her chopper.
When the episode started, Althea had made peace with the fact that she had let Isabelle disappear from her life. After it became clear thought that the CRM sent a kill squad to track down Isabelle, Althea felt pushed into action.
Apocalypse journalist: Althea Szewczyk-Przygocki reunited with her on the lam helicopter pilot love interest Isabelle on Sunday’s episode of Fear The Walking Dead on AMC
Althea was living alone in her MRAP, mine resistant armor protected vehicle, eating ramen soup for meals when she heard a voice come over her walkie-talkie. She went outside and tried to pick up the transmission.
While she was gone, Morgan Jones [Lennie James] located her vehicle and saw that her half-eaten ramen was still warm.
‘I should have guessed this is where you would be,” Morgan said.
He went outside the truck and tried to find her and then called for her over the walkie-talkie
Together again: Isabelle was hiding out after helping rescue’s Al and her friends
Tender moment: Al and Isabelle kissed as they decided to remain together
‘Are you okay? Al answer me,” he called out.
When she didn’t come back, Morgan used her video camera to tape her a message: ‘I’m going to say this now and you can take it or leave it. The others said you might have gotten separated but I’m starting to think you didn’t come back with them for a reason.’
Morgan noted that after he sat down for an interview with her that she convinced him to stop running.
Armored vehicle: The video journalist was living alone in her MRAP, mine resistant armor protected vehicle, eating ramen soup for meals when she heard a voice come over her walkie-talkie
‘I’m asking you the same thing now,’ said Morgan. ‘Stop running. Just for a little while.’
Althea, wearing protective radiation gear, ventured far from her truck and was able to pick up CRM military members talking to each other over the walkie-talkie. She heard them mention ‘reclamation,’ and she knew that the focus of the reclamation would be Isabelle.
A helicopter then appeared overhead, forcing Al to hide and run back to her truck. The soldiers got their first and armed military officers searched her van.
Old friend: Morgan Jones made contact with Al after her interview changed his outlook on life
Once the military team retreated, Althea got back into her truck only to discover that Morgan was also using it as a hideout. She told Morgan that they needed to leave because she was out of bullets. He told her they couldn’t leave without Grace [Karen David].
‘They will be back,’ said Althea of the soldiers as she quickly packed up her belongings.
Morgan demanded to know who ‘they’ were, but Althea l said she didn’t know. Morgan said the last time he saw a helicopter like that was when she disappeared and that the others said Al sent someone to lift them out of the blast zone.
Duly warned: ‘They will be back,’ said Althea of the soldiers as she quickly packed up her belongings
‘They weren’t supposed to tell you that,’ said Althea. ‘I’m serious. If we stay here, we die.’
Morgan and Althea left the van and traveled on foot. Althea told Morgan the less he knew the better and he asked her why she didn’t stay with the rest of the group.
‘I belong on the road,’ said Althea. ‘Doing what I was doing when we met. There are stories out here that need to be recorded more than ever.’
Morgan asked her to explain how if the CRM was looking to kill everyone, how their helicopter shuttled everyone to safety.
‘It’s complicated,’ said Althea.
Just then shots rang out as they were fired up and Morgan demanded to know from Althea who was shooting at them and why.
Under fire: Just then shots rang out as they were fired up and Morgan demanded to know from Althea who was shooting at them and why
‘The place they’re from has a secret to ensure its survival. This is a Reclamation Team. They have one mission, to destroy any evidence they were ever here,’ Al informed him.
They dodged bullets and were rescued by Grace who pulled up in a car to retrieve them.
Once safely in the woods they covered the car with brush as Althea told Grace that she was sorry about her daughter. Grace shared that it was still hard but they were now raising Rachel’s daughter, and that has helped her.
Offered condolences: Once safely in the woods they covered the car with brush as Althea told Grace that she was sorry about her daughter
Morgan explained to Grace that someone who Al cared about was in danger and that they had to help. Morgan told Grace that maybe she should get back to Mo, but Grace said she wanted to stay and help.
Al told them that the chopper had fuel and ammo.
”We are never going to get close to that,’ Morgan warned, but Althea said she could lead the soldiers away.
‘I’ll get them someplace wide open and you come in and light them up,’ Al said and Morgan agreed with the plan.
Battle plan: ‘I’ll get them someplace wide open and you come in and light them up,’ Al said and Morgan agreed with the plan
Morgan and Grace went to the the helicopter, but Althea radioed them and told them that they were okay to leave her. Al told them she didn’t want them to give up everything for her like her pilot friend Isabelle did.
Althea then called over the walkie-talkie for the Reclamation One unit.
‘The people out there,’ said Althea. ‘They didn’t see anything. They didn’t know anything about you, but I do. I know why you are here. I know who you are looking for. She told me everything.’
Faked out: Morgan and Grace went to the the helicopter, but Althea radioed them and told them that they were okay to leave her
Al told them that she even gave her maps and flight plans. She said she would give it all back in exchange for an interview. Al also told them to bring back her camera.
Morgan and Grace waited in the van and it turned out Morgan had kept Althea’s camera.
Meanwhile, Althea set up a trap using a small Civil War-era cannon to kill the soldiers. The soldiers, however, told her over the walkie-talkie that they wouldn’t meet up because they had already captured Morgan and Grace. They told her that if she didn’t share the pilot’s location that they would kill Morgan and Grace.
Cannon trap: Meanwhile, Althea set up a trap using a small Civil War-era cannon to kill the soldiers
Successful practice: A zombie was blown up by the cannon as Al dodged the projectile
Grace begged them not to shoot them because they had a daughter.
‘We are about to kill the male,’ said the soldier and then Althea told them to stop and that she would tell them the pilot’s location. She said the pilot was hiding in the cabin in the Smoky Mountains.
Althea told them if they let Morgan and Grace go that she would take them there.
Young daughter: Grace begged them not to shoot them because they had a daughter
Near death: ‘We are about to kill the male,’ said the soldier as they had Morgan pinned
Morgan then managed to grab the gun away from the soldier and ordered the other soldier to let Grace go.
Grace got in the truck and radioed Althea who told her if she could get them to the fort that she could do the rest. Morgan fought off the other soldier and managed to jump into the Althea’s speeding MRAP as it drove by.
In the armored vehicle, Morgan asked Grace if she meant it when she called Mo ‘our daughter’ and she said that she did.
Great move: Morgan then managed to grab the gun away from the soldier and ordered the other soldier to let Grace go
‘Then let’s get back home to her,’ Morgan said.
Just then they realized a helicopter was following them, but Althea told them to just stay the course.
Althea set explosives around the fort while waiting for Grace and Morgan who finally arrived in the armored vehicle.
Their daughter: ‘Then let’s get back home to her,’ Morgan said after Grace acknowledged that Mo was their daughter
‘Get them here. Keep them here. And when I say …drive,’ Al told them.
A pair of soldiers approached their vehicle and demanded proof from Althea of the pilot’s location.
While they were distracted, Morgan and Grace prepared a trap for the soldiers.
Trap set: ‘Get them here. Keep them here. And when I say …drive,’ Al told them
Morgan pulled a cord that fired the cannon as the armored vehicle moved out of the way, which blew the soldiers to bits.
Later, when Grace, Morgan and Althea were driving away Morgan told her that they saved her life. She asked him what he wanted and he said, ”Interview, please.”
The next day Morgan sat down and interviewed Althea on camera. He told her that if she was leaving them that he wanted something to remember her.
Interview subject: The next day Morgan sat down and interviewed Althea on camera
‘What do you want to know?’ she asked
Morgan asked her if she really knew where this pilot was, why wasn’t she going after her. She told him it was complicated. Althea said Isabelle initially wanted her to come with her on the helicopter.
‘Then why?’ Morgan asked.
‘She gave up everything to save people she never even met. Because I asked her to. She gave up everything for me,’ Al said.
Selfless act: ‘She gave up everything to save people she never even met. Because I asked her to. She gave up everything for me,’ Al said
‘Then why are you not with her?,’ asked Morgan.
‘Because I couldn’t do the same,’ Althea responded as she recalled telling Isabelle that she couldn’t go with her.
Althea told him that she just couldn’t walk away from her camera and telling people’s stories.
Serious storyteller: Althea told him that she just couldn’t walk away from her camera and telling people’s stories
‘I should never have let myself become part of the story,’ Althea said as she refused to reveal the pilot’s identity to Morgan.
Althea grabbed the camera from Morgan and then handed him the tape. She then hugged Morgan and Grace as she prepared to leave.
‘Whoever you think you are letting down, I doubt they would want you to miss out because of it,’ Grace told her.
Wise words: ‘Whoever you think you are letting down, I doubt they would want you to miss out because of it,’ Grace told her
Althea then walked off on her own and went back to the dismembered soldiers. She started rifling through their pockets. Then a voice came over the walkie-talkie asking for the Reclamation Team to check in. Althea pretended she was part of the team asked for information on the new target.
The voice told her the target, the pilot, remained the same but they now had her coordinates.
Althea told Morgan who followed her that they were going to find her wherever she went. Morgan said she should go after her rather than after some ‘bulls*** story.’
Gaining information: Althea then walked off on her own and went back to the dismembered soldiers
‘I don’t know Morgan, either way it will be one hell of a ride,’ Althea said.
Morgan told Althea that she was done running away from the pilot because she was scared.
‘You’re part of the story, Al,’ said Morgan. ‘ You were before and you are now. You are alive, you are part of the story. And you can pretend that there is nothing there that you are like a piece of machinery like that camera.’
‘You are the story,’ Morgan continued. ‘I’m grateful I got to be part of yours. And I’m very glad that you got to be part of mine.’
‘Me, too,’ said Althea.
Althea got into the helicopter, powered it up and took off.
Story character: ‘You are the story,’ Morgan continued. ‘I’m grateful I got to be part of yours. And I’m very glad that you got to be part of mine’
Later she reached the cabin and called in to see if anyone was there. She saw that there was a fire burning.
Althea pressed play on the TV and it ran a video of her saying goodbye to the pilot. Then she heard a shotgun being cocked and a woman’s voice telling her to turn around.
‘We’ve got to stop meeting like this,’ said Althea when she finally faced Isabelle, the pilot.
Fond farewell: Althea pressed play on the TV and it ran a video of her saying goodbye to the pilot
Althea then told her that they had to leave because the Reclamation Team was hunting her down.
‘You came all this way to warm me?’ asked Isabelle.
Althea said this time it was different and that she wanted to go with her. Isabelle said they would always be looking over their shoulders and Althea said she was okay with that. Althea told Isabelle that she gave up everything for her and in return she smashed her camera.
Security threat: ‘You came all this way to warm me?’ asked Isabelle
‘It was never about the camera, Isabelle, I was scared,’ Althea said.
‘Not trying, not coming here. That was scarier. We will find something new. Something for us both,’ Al told her.
‘And if we don’t,’ asked Isabelle.
‘Then at least we gave it a try,’ said Althea as they hugged and kissed.
Fear The Walking Dead will return next Sunday on AMC.
Too scared: ‘It was never about the camera, Isabelle, I was scared,’ Althea said
Joint effort: ‘Then at least we gave it a try,’ said Althea as they hugged and kissed