A little-known Gears of War chainsaw glitch leads to a shockingly gruesome Snatcher death, and, naturally, fans are loving it!

In the gory, viscera-soaked world of Gears of War, players have grown accustomed to dispatching Locust in the most brutal ways imaginable. But even for a series known for its over-the-top violence, a recently discovered glitch has managed to catch players off guard with its sheer, unadulterated savagery.

A Reddit post showcasing this hidden gem has left the Gears community equal parts shocked and delighted, with many rushing to their consoles (or PCs) to recreate the grisly scene for themselves.

A Snatcher’s Shocking Demise

The post in question features a short clip from Gears 5‘s Horde mode in which the player bravely approaches a Snatcherone of the game’s larger, more formidable enemiesand revs up their chainsaw.

What follows is a glitchy, janky animation that culminates in the Snatcher exploding in a shower of blood and guts, leaving nothing but scattered bits of flesh in its wake:

Reactions from fellow Gears of War fans ranged from shocked to excited:

The gruesome spectacle left many players eager to try it out for themselves:

It turns out that this glitch has been around for quite some time, with some players recalling encounters with it from years past:

One user even offered a plausible explanation for how the glitch works:

Based on the comments from long-time Gears players, it seems this glitch has been a part of the game for quite some time. The fact that it hasn’t been patched out suggests that the developers at The Coalition may have deliberately left it in as a fun little easter egg for players to discover.

Gears of War: E-Day and the Future of Chainsaw Kills

Gruesomeness in Gears of WarWill Gears of War: E-Day live up to fans’ expectations? | Image Credit: Xbox YouTube Channel

As fans revel in this gory glitch, all eyes are on the upcoming Gears of War: E-Day, the highly anticipated prequel set 14 years before the events of the original game. With the promise of a return to the series’ darker, grittier roots, players are eager to see what new and inventive ways they’ll be able to dispatch the Locust menace.

Will E-Day introduce even more gruesome Gears of War chainsaw kills and death animations? Will we see the return of fan-favorite executions from previous games? Only time will tell, but one thing’s for sure: if this glitch is any indication, The Coalition isn’t afraid to push the boundaries when it comes to over-the-top, visceral action.

As we await more news on Gears of War: E-Day, players will no doubt continue to scour the existing games for more hidden gems like this Snatcher-exploding glitch. Because in the world of Gearsthere’s no such thing as too much gore!

Have you managed to recreate this grisly Gears 5 glitch? What’s the most gruesome Locust death you’ve ever witnessed in the series? Share your war stories in the comments below!