Emily in Paris Editing Error Will Have You Saying "Sacré Bleu"

The fourth season of “Emily in Paris” delves deeper into the intricate love triangle between Emily, Gabriel, and Camille. After her breakup with Sophie, Camille sets her sights on Gabriel again, resorting to manipulation to stay close to him. She feigns a pregnancy to keep him in her life, and her plan succeeds in bringing her back into his orbit. However, things quickly become messy as Camille’s brother calls Emily out, labeling her as Gabriel’s “side piece” while Camille is practically his wife. This comment prompts Emily to re-evaluate her relationship with Gabriel, and she starts to see things more clearly.

During a skiing trip, Gabriel’s actions speak volumes. Despite Emily’s struggles with skiing and Camille’s expertise, Gabriel completely ignores Emily and follows Camille around. Emily is left to fend for herself, and this realization solidifies Camille’s brother’s assessment. Gabriel’s priorities clearly lie with Camille, not Emily. When Emily confronts him about it, Gabriel justifies his actions by stating his commitment to Camille due to her pregnancy. Emily is hurt and disappointed, realizing that she can never be the one to pull Gabriel away from his family. This becomes the final straw for Emily, and she decides to end things with Gabriel.

While Gabriel is preoccupied with Camille during the trip, Emily meets a charming Italian gentleman named Marello, who helps her out after her breakup. Their encounter sparks a connection, and they start dating. Marello offers a refreshing change from Gabriel’s drama, and Emily finds herself drawn to his genuine and laid-back nature. The big question now is whether Emily will stay with Marello or return to Gabriel, who is already planning to ask her to stay in Paris.

Personally, I’m rooting for Emily to stay with Marello. He seems like a much better match for her, offering a peaceful and drama-free relationship. Gabriel’s baggage and constant complications make him a difficult partner. Emily deserves someone who will prioritize her and treat her with respect. While Gabriel may have a strong hold on Emily’s heart, it’s time for her to choose a relationship that truly fulfills her.