After showing young soldiers from Houses Bracken and Blackwood arguing over their support of either Aegon or Rhaenyra, House of the Dragon season 2, episode 3 simply cuts to the aftermath of a devastating battle. The camera pans over hundreds of dead bodies as the Burning Mill lies quiet, bloody, and smoking from the ruinous combat. When word reaches Teams Green and Black, Aegon’s council argues over whether it counts as a victory or can even be considered separate from the two houses’ centuries-long feud. However, missing context from the Fire & Blood book helps clear up the cause, winner, and impact of the Battle of the Burning Mill.
What Really Caused The Battle Of The Burning Mill
The Brackens and Blackwood have feuded for centuries

House of the Dragon season 2, episode 3 implies that the Battle of the Burning Mill began shortly after young members of the Brackens and Blackwoods began fighting about Rhaenyra and Aegon, escalating into a full-scale battle. The real cause of the battle is a bit different in George R.R. Martin’s Fire & Blood book, clarifying that the swordfight between the young soldiers is more of a prelude to the full-scale combat than the incident that actually begins the battle. The real battle is commanded by Ser Amos Bracken and Lord Samwell Blackwood on their respective sides.
When loyalties to each side were being decided after House of the Dragon season 1’s ending, House Blackwood declared for Queen Rhaenyra, while House Bracken allied with King Aegon II. As hinted at in the show, the Brackens and Blackwoods have feuded for over 10,000 years, with the real reason for their opposition having been lost to time despite their animosity being increasingly strengthened. Their long-standing feud was previously hinted at in House of the Dragon season 1, episode 4, when young Willem Blackwood killed Jerrel Bracken while both were vying for young Rhaenyra Targaryen’s hand in marriage.
Their long-standing feud was previously hinted at in House of the Dragon season 1, episode 4, when young Willem Blackwood killed Jerrel Bracken while both were vying for young Rhaenyra Targaryen’s hand in marriage.
Consequently, the feuding Brackens and Blackwoods rarely needed a reason to begin conflicts with one another. Still, the Dance of the Dragons and opposing loyalties to Rhaenyra or Aegon gave them an excuse for a wide-scale battle. In the book, Samwell Blackwood and Amos Bracken also had a lengthy personal vendetta against one another since they dueled and unsuccessfully fought to marry Rhaenyra, prior to her betrothal to Ser Laenor Velaryon.
HOTD/Fire & Blood’s Bracken Characters
HOTD/Fire & Blood’s Blackwood Characters
Amos Bracken
Samwell Blackwood
Lord Humfrey Bracken
Alysanne “Black Aly” Blackwood
Raylon Rivers
Benjicot Blackwood
Jerrel Bracken
Red Robb Rivers
Willem Blackwood
According to Fire & Blood, the Battle of the Burning Mill began when Lord Samwell Blackwood sent raiders into the Brackens’ land, with this conflict over territory lines being highlighted in the opening scene of season 2, episode 3. In return, Ser Amos Bracken ordered his troops into the Blackwoods’ land, leading the Blackwoods to ambush their enemies at a riverside mill. When Team Black’s Blackwoods met Team Green’s Brackens in the field, the first real army-represented battle of the Targaryen Civil War commenced.
Who Died At The Battle Of The Burning Mill & Who Actually Won?
Commanders from both the Bracken and Blackwood armies were killed

The two biggest deaths in House of the Dragon season 2’s Battle of the Burning Mill are Lord Samwell Blackwood and Ser Amos Bracken. These two deaths were significant casualties on both sides for the Riverlords, as Amos was the son of Lord Humfrey Bracken while Samwell was the Lord of Raventree Hall at the time of his demise. According to Fire & Blood, Amos killed Samwell in single combat, with Amos soon being killed by a weirwood arrow during the battle. Furthermore, the arrow that killed Amos was said to have been shot by Alysanne Blackwood, the younger sister of the slain Lord Samwell.
House of the Dragon season 2, episode 3 also focuses on the opening argument’s young Bracken soldier dead in the river.
It’s unclear exactly how many men and women died at the Battle of the Burning Mill, but George R.R. Martin’s A World of Ice and Fire book suggests that the battle was a victory for Rhaenyra’s Team Black. However, both sides suffered numerous casualties, with Aegon’s council in House of the Dragon being hesitant to call it a victory for either side. Since the aftermath of the battle led to Daemon subduing Lord Bracken and taking Stone Hedge, on the other hand, it can still arguably be considered a win for Team Black in the Dance.
Why Did House Of The Dragon Skip The Battle Of The Burning Mill?
Director Geeta Vasant Patel discussed the impact of not seeing the battle

Since neither Aegon nor Rhaenyra’s councils had actually sanctioned a battle and fighting yet, it makes sense that House of the Dragon skipped over the battle to make it more of a surprise for both sides’ rulers. Additionally, there were no supporting or main characters from House of the Dragon season 2 in the Battle of the Burning Mill. With only an hour-long runtime, the series likely wanted to bide its allocated minutes for the outing with the major players’ reactions instead.
Since neither Aegon nor Rhaenyra’s councils had actually sanctioned a battle and fighting yet, it makes sense that House of the Dragon skipped over the battle to make it more of a surprise for both sides’ rulers.
In an https://screenrant.com/house-of-the-dragon-season-2-episode-3-geeta-vasant-patel-interview/exclusive interview with Screen Rant, House of the Dragon season 2, episode 3 director Geeta Vasant Patel gave insight into the missing Battle of the Burning Mill. In response to the question of why the battle was cut, Patel stated that would have to be answered by “HBO and Ryan [Condal, the showrunner].” Discussing the scene itself, Patel explained, “They have a conversation, and then we cut to everyone dead. So, you have to actually experience the battle that you didn’t get to see.” While Patel was initially disappointed to not shoot an action-heavy sequence, the crux of the battle’s high emotions was effectively revealed through the opening scene’s dynamic argument.
New episodes of House of the Dragon season 2 release Sundays at 9 p.m. ET on HBO and Max.