Bridgerton&squot;s Jessica Madsen Says Cressida Cowper Is Not A "Villain"

“She’s a young girl trying to do her best with very limited information about life and a difficult childhood.”

Bridgerton star Jessica Madsen has opened up about Cressida Cowper’s season 3 story and argued that she is not a villain.

Ever since Bridgerton debuted on Netflix in 2020, Cressida Cowper has been an antagonist on the show. In fact, some fans dislike Cressida so much that Jessica Madsen, who plays her, has received “hateful DMs”. However, Bridgerton season 3 explores Cressida’s character in further depth. It helps humanise her and explains why she acts the way she does.

Now, fans are divided on whether or not to sympathise with Cressida and Jessica has entered the chat with her own take.

Talking to Vulture, Jessica said: “Cressida’s alone. She doesn’t have another sibling who shares her family experience, she’s never had somebody to confide in or talk with. She doesn’t have any warmth with her parents. She grew up with coldness, hence why she’s cold to others. There’s a lot of silence around her, so she’s not great at engaging with debutantes.”

Defending Cressida further, Jessica added: “You’re a product of your environment and sadly that’s what she has become up until this point. She puts on a sharp mask because a mask keeps her safe. She starts to shift because Eloise gives her so much kindness, and she feels safe. It’s not a shameful space. I think Cressida has a lot of shame.”

As for the term villain, Jessica dismissed it by saying: “Cressida isn’t a villain in my eyes by any means. She’s a young girl trying to do her best with very limited information about life and a difficult childhood.”

She continued: “She’s doing her best with the blueprint she’s given.”

Jessica Madsen playing Cressida Cowper in Bridgerton season 3

Jessica Madsen playing Cressida Cowper in Bridgerton season 3. Picture: Netflix

Elsewhere, Jessica said: “These women were limited in what they could do and who they could be in life, and we see that in the family. I feel very sorry that she’s gone through this.”

What do you think? Is Cressida Cowper a villain?