Kate Middleton & Meghan Markle photo

An incident between Kate Middleton & Meghan Markle (which led to Prince William calling Meghan “rude” to her face)…

In Harry‘s book, he explains about an incident that happened between Meghan and Kate ahead of the royal wedding in 2018. A source shared, “there was a discussion about the timing of the wedding rehearsal and the flower girl dresses and Kate was very upset.”

Meghan said that Kate must have ‘baby brain’ because of her hormones,” the source added. Princess Catherine was pregnant at the time, or had recently given birth, as Prince Louis was born the month before the wedding in April of 2018.

The source continued, “It caused a huge row because Meghan was told that she wasn’t close enough to her sister-in-law to discuss her hormones and it wasn’t the way people spoke to each other within the Royal Family. The book makes clear that Meghan felt the fall-out wasn’t her fault, but it doesn’t exactly make her look very good either.”

Kate apparently demanded an apology, saying, “We’re not close enough for you to talk about my hormones.” Meghan did apologize, but Prince William apparently did not accept the apology. He pointed a finger at her and called her “rude,” according to Prince Harry.
Kate Middleton & Meghan Markle photo
The infamous bridesmaids dress incident (over what Princess Charlotte’s dress looked like…)

Apparently, Princess Catherine had an issue with Princess Charlotte‘s bridesmaid dress. Meghan didn’t respond quickly, in part because of the drama ensuing with her father being absent from the wedding. He was caught posing for paparazzi staged photos and ended up not attending the wedding. They became estranged after that.

Kate and Meghan allegedly had a lot of back and forth until finally Kate agreed to take Charlotte to get the look tailored. “A short time later I arrived home and found Meg on the floor. Sobbing,” Harry wrote. “I was horrified to see [Meghan] so upset, but I didn’t think it was a catastrophe. … Indeed the next morning Kate came by with flowers and a card that said she was sorry.”

Kate Middleton & Meghan Markle photo
Text messages were released between Meghan and Kate from that very moment…

Prince Harry began, “Meg had a text from Kate. There was a problem with the dresses for the bridesmaids, apparently. They needed altering. The dresses were French couture, hand-sewn from measurements only. So it wasn’t a big shock that they might need altering. Meg didn’t reply to Kate straightaway. Yes, she had endless wedding-related texts, but mostly she was dealing with the chaos surrounding her father. So the next morning she texted Kate that our tailor was standing by. At the Palace. His name was Ajay.”

“This wasn’t sufficient. They set up a time to speak that afternoon,” Harry wrote.

Here are the texts about the incident:

Kate: “Charlotte’s dress is too big, too long, too baggy. She cried when she tried it on at home.”

Meghan: “Right, and I told you the tailor has been standing by since eight a.m. Here. At KP [Kensington Palace]. Can you take Charlotte to have it altered, as the other moms are doing?”

Kate: “No, all the dresses need to be remade.”

Harry wrote in the book, “Her own wedding dress designer agreed,” Kate added. Meg asked if Kate was aware of what was going on right now. With her father. Kate said she was well aware, but the dresses. ‘And the wedding is in four days.’”

Prince Harry then wrote, “And Kate had other problems with the way Meg was planning her wedding. Something about a party for the page boys? The page boys? Half the kids in the wedding are from North America. They haven’t even arrived yet. It went back and forth.”

Meghan then wrote: “I’m not sure what else to say. If the dress doesn’t fit then please take Charlotte to see Ajay. He’s been waiting all day.”

Kate: “Fine.”
Kate & Meghan photo
The foursome had a meeting…

The couples got together to discuss what had went down. The press had gotten wind of the story and ran with a headline that it was Meghan that actually made Kate cry!

“We all gathered in our little front annexe, and this time there was no small talk: Kate got things rolling straightaway by acknowledging that the stories in the papers about Meg making her cry were totally false,” Prince Harry wrote, adding to that Kate actually told Meghan, “I know, Meghan, that I was the one who made you cry.”

Princess Kate was left “flustered” by the conversation and William was saying “supportive-sounding evasions.”
Kate & Meghan photo
The discovery about who leaked the story…

“We went around and around,” Prince Harry continued about the conversation. “The list of suspects became vanishingly small. Finally, finally, Willy leaned back and conceded that, ahem, while we’d been on tour in Australia, he and Kate had gone to dinner with Pa [King Charles III] and Camilla.”

“And, alas, he said sheepishly he ‘might’ve’ let it slip and that there’s been strife between the two couples,” Harry added. “I put my hand over my face. Meg froze. A heavy silence fell. So now we knew. I told Willy you of all people should’ve known. He nodded. He knew. More silence. It was time for them to go.”

Prince Harry is alleging his father and Camilla were the ones to leak the story.

Kate Middleton & Meghan Markle photo

Kate felt the need to “compete” and an awkward moment with lipstick…

Prince Harry also wrote about the first public outing he and Meghan Markle had with Prince William and Kate Middleton, where they sat in front of an audience all together.

“The audience was keen, all four of us were having fun, the whole atmosphere was hugely positive. … ‘Here we go,’ I thought hopefully,” he wrote (via Us Weekly). “Days later, controversy. Something about Meg showing support for #MeToo, and Kate not showing support — via their outfits? I think that was the gist, though who can say? It wasn’t real.”

He continued, “I think it had Kate on edge while putting her and everyone else on notice that she was now going to be compared to, and forced to compete with, Meg.”

He described one moment at the event where Meghan forgot her lipstick.

Kate, taken aback, went into her handbag and reluctantly pulled out a small tube,” Harry wrote. “Meg squeezed some onto her finger and applied it to her lips. Kate grimaced.”

King Charles

King Charles’ statement to his sons at Prince Philip’s funeral…

“Spare” won’t be released until January 10, however, The Guardian claims to have seen an advanced copy and has revealed what King Charles said to his two sons at his father and their grandfather Prince Philip‘s funeral in April 2021.

Prince Harry claims that at the funeral his father was “looking up at our flushed faces”.

He allegedly told them, “Please, boys. Don’t make my final years a misery.”

Prince William & Prince Harry photo

The secret meeting at Prince Philip’s funeral…

In the book, Prince Harry opens the book in April 2021 at his grandfather’s funeral.

Little did the public know, Prince Harry allegedly held a secret meeting with his dad and his brother.

He claims he said to Prince William, “My dear brother, my archenemy, how did we come to this? I felt overwhelming tiredness. I wanted to go home.”

Harry then claims he said, “Willy, this was supposed to be our house. We were going to spend the rest of our lives here.”

Prince William then responded, “You left, Harold,” to which Harry responded, “Yeah, and you know why.” Prince William then allegedly said, “Honestly no. Harold… not really.”

Prince Harry then said he looked at his dad, “who was looking at me with an expression that said, ‘Me neither.’”

Charles & Camilla wedding photo

Prince Harry begged his dad not to marry Camilla

In another excerpt, Prince Harry claims he “begged” his father not to marry Camilla. He called Camilla “other woman.”

“Despite Willy and me urging him not to, Pa was going ahead. We pumped his hand, wished him well. No hard feelings. We recognized that he was finally going to be with the woman he loved, the woman he’d always loved,” he wrote.

King Charles tried to “win over the kids” with regard to his new wife, and Prince Harry equated meeting her for the first time to that of getting an “injection.” He said, “close your eyes and you won’t even feel it.”

He also added, “I remember wondering.. if she would be cruel to me; if she would be like all the evil stepmothers in the stories.”

Willy had been suspicious of the Other Woman for a long time, which confused and tormented him. When those suspicions were confirmed, he felt agonizing remorse for not having done or said anything before,” he added.Prince William and Kate Middleton's wedding day

He blames William & Kate for the Nazi uniform costume…

Prince Harry made headlines when he was 20 years old for dressing as a Nazi for a costume party with the theme “Native and Colonial.”

In “Spare,” Prince Harry will allegedly put the blame on Prince William and Kate Middleton for telling him to wear it.

“I phoned Willy and Kate, asked what they thought. Nazi uniform, they said,” Harry said, adding when he tried it on for them, “They both howled. Worse than Willy’s leotard outfit! Way more ridiculous! Which, again, was the point.” Prince William dressed as a lion for the party.

Prince William and Kate Middleton's wedding day

He called the royal wedding, “yet another farewell under this horrid roof” and “another sundering,” according to an excerpt seen from Us Weekly.

He said, “The brother I’d escorted into Westminster Abbey that morning was gone — forever. Who could deny it?. He’d never again be first a foremost Willy. We’d never again ride together across the Lesotho countryside with capes blowing behind us. We’d never again share a horsey-smelling cottage while learning to fly. Who shall separate us? Life, that’s who.”

He also added that he remembers Princess Catherine looking “incredible” but the “ceremony is mostly a blank in my mind.”

“And I recall Willy walking her back up the aisle, and as they disappeared through the door, into the carriage that would convey them to Buckingham Palace, into the eternal partnership they’d pledged, I recall thinking: Goodbye,” he added.James Hewitt photo

Rumors about Prince Harry’s paternity and what his father used to say about it…

“Pa liked telling stories, and this was one of the best in his repertoire. He’d always end with a burst of philosophizing … Who knows if I’m really the Prince of Wales? Who knows if I’m even your real father? Prince Harry wrote. “He’d laugh and laugh, though it was a remarkably unfunny joke, given the rumor circulating just then that my actual father was one of Mummy’s former lovers: Major James Hewitt. One cause of this rumor was Major Hewitt’s flaming ginger hair, but another cause was sadism.”

About the rumor, Harry said, “Never mind that my mother didn’t meet Major Hewitt until long after I was born.” You can see a photo of Hewitt above.

Prince William’s physical attack

In another excerpt from “Spare,” Prince Harry alleges that Prince William attacked him in 2019 during a confrontation.

Prince Harry alleges that William came to his home to speak, and ended up calling Meghan Markle “difficult”, “rude” and “abrasive.” Prince Harry responded that that was just “parrot[ing of] the press narrative” about Meghan.

At one point, Prince Harry alleges that he said, “Willy, I can’t speak to you when you’re like this.”

Prince Harry, who had tried to get them to cool down with waters, continued, “He set down the water, called me another name, then came at me. It all happened so fast. So very fast. He grabbed me by the collar, ripping my necklace, and he knocked me to the floor. I landed on the dog’s bowl, which cracked under my back, the pieces cutting into me. I lay there for a moment, dazed, then got to my feet and told him to get out.”