Robbie Coltrane as Hagrid in the Harry Potter movies with the HBO logo and book covers behind himHBO’s Harry Potter remake has the opportunity to be a more faithful adaptation to the books, but there are a few moments that the upcoming TV show should change from the source material. The Harry Potter books remain beloved additions to the fantasy genre, but not everything about them still holds up. Certain characters and scenes feel outdated looking at the series from a more modern lens. And Hagrid’s worst moment from the books — which also appears in the Harry Potter movies — must be reworked for HBO’s reboot.

Hagrid plays a pivotal role in the Harry Potter series, bringing Harry into the world of witches and wizards and ensuring he always has a friend there. When it comes to Harry Potter characters, Hagrid is overwhelmingly one of the heroes. However, he does make some pretty big mistakes over the course of the series. One of his worst missteps isn’t even painted that way in the Harry Potter books and movies. Although it’s played for kicks in those versions of the story, it should be changed in HBO’s upcoming TV show.

HBO’s Harry Potter Remake Needs To Change Hagrid’s First Encounter With The Dursleys

Taking His Frustration Out On Dudley Is Wrong

Hagrid bends the Durseleys shotgun in Harry potterHagrid is the person who tells Harry that he’s been accepted to Hogwarts, and this doesn’t go over well with the Dursleys. Uncle Vernon doesn’t want Harry to know that he’s a wizard, and he does everything in his power to prevent Harry from learning who he is. When Hagrid realizes the extent of Vernon’s interference, he gets incredibly angry with the Dursleys. The fact that Vernon continues to make demands doesn’t help, and Hagrid eventually gives Dudley a pig’s tail to shut Harry’s relatives up.

Hagrid’s first encounter with the Dursleys is meant to be funny, but the way he treats Dudley feels a bit dark all these years later.

Hagrid’s first encounter with the Dursleys is meant to be funny, but the way he treats Dudley feels a bit dark all these years later. It’s one thing to punish the adults in this situation, but Hagrid chooses to use magic on Harry’s 11-year-old cousin instead. Dudley may be spoiled and a bully, but that doesn’t justify an adult attacking him with magic — especially over something that his parents did. Seeing how this moment from Harry Potter & the Sorcerer’s Stone traumatizes Dudley, it’s hard to empathize with Hagrid here.

This is why HBO’s Harry Potter remake should alter Hagrid’s initial encounter with the Dursleys to make him look less cruel. It’s not in Hagrid’s nature to treat a child this way; he even puts up with Draco Malfoy better than this, and Malfoy actively instigates conflict with him. This early Sorcerer’s Stone moment just doesn’t reflect well on Hagrid, and it’s arguably his worst decision in the series.

Why Giving Dudley A Pig’s Tail Is Hagrid’s Worst Moment In The Harry Potter Series

His Other Big Mistakes Are Well-Intended

Hagrid's umbrella wand in Harry Potter

It may seem harsh to call Hagrid’s encounter with Dudley his worst moment from the Harry Potter series, but it’s one of the few instances that sees Hagrid acting maliciously. Although Hagrid makes some pretty huge mistakes throughout the books and movies, most of them are well-intended. Hagrid doesn’t purposely risk anyone’s life or treat anyone poorly throughout Harry Potter. If anything, his other missteps stem from having too big of a heart, especially when it comes to dangerous magical creatures.

All of these mistakes paint Hagrid as a compassionate person, but him giving Dudley a pig’s tail has the opposite effect.

When Hagrid tells Quirrell about Fluffy in Sorcerer’s Stone, he’s drunk, excited about his favorite subject, and has no idea who’s under the cloak. And Hagrid doesn’t intentionally put anyone in harm’s way when it comes to Aragog or Norbert. He merely loves these creatures, and he genuinely thinks they’re harmless. Even bringing Grawp back to Hogwarts comes from a place of love. Hagrid doesn’t want to see his half-brother suffer, and he believes he’ll be safer with him. All of these mistakes paint Hagrid as a compassionate person, but him giving Dudley a pig’s tail has the opposite effect.

How HBO’s TV Show Can Finally Fix This Sorcerer’s Stone Scene

It Doesn’t Need To Remove It Completely

Robbie Coltrane as Hagrid Gives Dudley Dursley a Pig Tail in Harry Potter HBO’s Harry Potter TV show needs to fix this Sorcerer’s Stone scene if it hopes to portray Hagrid in a positive light, but it doesn’t necessarily need to remove it. An easy fix would be to have Hagrid use his magic on Vernon or Petunia instead, which would still convey his anger and frustration with them. It wouldn’t make it look like he’s picking on someone so much younger and less powerful than him, though, which is the biggest issue with him going after Dudley.

Of course, the Harry Potter reboot could get away with removing the pig’s tail altogether. It’s not like this Sorcerer’s Stone scene has any real impact on the overarching story, and it never comes up again. Hagrid could get angry without using magic, which would be a deviation from the Harry Potter books — one that could be worth making.