Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga lays down quite a few unresolved threads that director George Miller can use to tell even more action-packed stories.

Anna Taylor-Joy's Furiosa shields herself from fire at the Bullet Farm

One thing director George Miller has done well is map out a vast Mad Max Universe. The vision has evolved from the Australian Wasteland in the 1970s and 1980s to showcase even more territories. This helps differentiate the new movies from the Mel Gibson films.

Those who thought Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga might just tread the tracks that Fury Road laid down are in for a surprise. This prequel creates different locations, explores politics in other landscapes, and adds a bigger, sprawling vibe. With Miller looking to tell more stories in this world, there are a few unresolved plot threads he can follow up on from Furiosa.

Furiosa Sets Up More Dangerous Kingdoms in the Wasteland

Furiosa rides her vehicle after shaving her head to hunt Dementus
Furiosa - Chris Hemsworth as Dementus, standing in front of a chained Furiosa
Furiosa - Anya Taylor-Joy as Furiosa, standing on the road to nowhere Furiosa holds Praetorian Jack in front of the War Rig and the War Boys

Furiosa introduces new kingdoms. While there is Immortan Joe’s Citadel from Fury Road, there is also Gastown. This is a refinery that Chris Hemsworth’s Dementus takes over. He does so because he wants to control the fuel, allowing him to barter with Joe for supplies and food. Dementus later launches a coup on the Bullet Farm, eager to control ammunition in the realm. While Dementus dies and loses both strongholds, there is room to explore their future. This could bring in Tom Hardy’s Max once more. Fury Road didn’t assess these places, so there is a chance they can be rebuilt. One can see Max going there for resources, only to be pulled into new wars.

Max might even be offered a job as both places are run by “Guardians.” There are more biker gangs, hijackers and such around, who’d want to control these spots. Miller’s next Mad Max story can even lean into other kingdoms. Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome never showed what happened to Bartertown and how Tina Turner’s Auntie planned to restart, or the oil refinery where pigs’ feces were used to make fuel. With Turner dying in 2023, Miller can revisit this locale, or focus on a new one that has a similar ambition. There is even the option of finding other kingdoms that deal with necessities and utilities. Power generators and battery factories would be important in a realm where vehicles are essential.

Gardens where food is grown, akin to the Green Place where Furiosa was from, are another option. With water being important, Miller could look at water treatment facilities or desalination units to produce a very important currency for the wasteland. This can lean harder into commerce the way Dune did with its spice. What’s clear is that there is a lot of secret, uncharted territory, with commodities and treasures that people will want their hands on. Joe’s council confirmed as much with their maps and when they spoke about consolidating power across other regions. In short, this is the perfect ground for Max to explore creatively, making new friends and enemies along the way.

Furiosa Lays the Groundwork For a Praetorian Jack Prequel

Dementus holds Furiosa's head in front of Praetorian Jack in Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga


Furiosa also leaves one vague thread hanging: what happened in Praetorian Jack’s past? Here, he is the driver of Joe’s War Rig, making runs for gas and bullets. He has a ragtag crew with guns and blades. Sadly, they die on a job. He ends up using Furiosa as his second-in-command. As they fall in love, Jack confirms he wants to run away with her, hoping they can find the Green Place. He admits he lost his loved ones, so he wants her to be happy. This way, he gets another shot at having a family. Unfortunately, Dementus kills him. While Furiosa gets revenge for Jack, fans fell in love with his charm, style, and warrior spirit.

Just like fans wanted to know Furiosa’s backstory, Jack lays down the ideal foundation for a prequel. Miller can make this another Mad Max sequel by revealing Jack’s history, what happened to him in the apocalypse and ecocide, and why he aligned with Joe. There was a tragedy, so there must be a reason he opted to work for an oppressive villain. The fact Jack is keen to move away from Joe speaks to his ethical and moral code. He is a good man, so revisiting his journey, seeing what compromised him, and why the light was snuffed out would make for great cinema. This would shed light on more villains in the dusty desert, and how Joe had power that corrupted everyone looking to survive.

Skeptics who thought the Wasteland was limited to Max have been proven wrong. Jack is another opportunity where there are many nuanced stories to tell. For all audiences know, Jack might have had a hand in rounding up wives for Joe, too. What’s certain is he has skeletons and demons he buried, and nasty things he did for the boss. Watching that background unfold, how he got his crew, and how he became the big rig driver with so much skill would all form a narrative that passionate fans wouldn’t complain about. Jack is a rogue and he deserves his own tale.

Furiosa’s Sequel Can Rebuild the Green Place

Furiosa - Furiosa and her mother escape the biker hordeFuriosa confirms Anna Taylor-Joy’s young Furiosa had a peach seed from the Green Place. She used it to torture Dementus, planting it and allowing a tree to flow through him. It’s symbolic, as he devoured life. But it’s important from a physical and scientific standpoint. With Fury Road revealing the Green Place is extinct, Furiosa could use the tree at the freed Citadel now that Immortan Joe is dead and try to rebuild her civilization.

She can seek out more of the Vuvalini sisterhood, use the “sisters” she found, and work with those (including the brides) who survived Joe’s reign. Fury Road hinted the Citadel might be that place for Furiosa to restart. But this prequel affirms that she wants somewhere pure, unspoiled and where toxic men haven’t touched. Furiosa can use the peach seeds from the Citadel, seek out other seeds, and move to restart the Green Place on her terms.

It would build on the mythos and identity of the independent Vuvalini, creating an oasis of hope, inspiration and unity. Of course, Furiosa’s mobile treks can become a magnet for new enemies. Not to mention, this sets up an arc for war lords to lay claim to the land, battle for dominion, and once more, try to objectify the sisterhood. Miller’s stories have sociopolitical and socioeconomic themes, so apart from the usual (abuse of women by the patriarchy), this new Furiosa mission can lean into topics like squatting, land-grabbing, and real estate capitalism.

It could also explore the idea of domestic immigrants and refugees who just want to be left out of the wars. It would give Furiosa a bigger purpose, a higher calling and shift her from being an Imperator to an Empress. Her mother died at Dementus’ hands, but the lady believed she’d succeed and stay alive. There is no better way than to have Furiosa creating a new home and hub of salvation for the very people that the Green Place once tried to protect.

Furiosa is now playing in theaters.