The show might have made characters like Soldier Boy great, but completely missed with Tek Knight.

The Batman and The Boys

The latest episode of The Boys got into some pretty disgusting nitty gritty of various kinks, attributing them to his universe’s version of Batman: Tek Knight. The character serves as sort of an Expy of Iron Man and Batman at the same time, and has a strange affliction of engaging in intercourse with anything that has a, well, hole.

Tek Knight in The Boys.

Focusing on his sexual deviancy more than anything else, the comics actually had a lot more going on for the character. The show only ever says that the character is rich and sort of a Cassanova like Bruce Wayne/ Tony Stark, but never bothers to explain why he is called Tek Knight. The show does not even do the character the courtesy of displaying his suit, which multiple fans cite as a reason for their preference for the comic book version of the character.

Fans are angry with how Tek Knight was handled in The Boys streaming series

The Boys Tek KnightTeK Knight in The Boys comics || Image Comics

In the comics, Tek Knight is depicted as more than a rich man with a creepy power. Tek Knight has a suit that essentially makes him this universe’s Iron Man, with a very strong helping of a tumor-induced sexual deviancy.

Fans preferred this version in the comics, simply because there was actually a semblance of a superhero in this version of the character. The version of the show comes off as more of a businessman than a superhero, which fans believe could have definitely been improved upon.

The Tek Knight that the show provided to the viewers was a strange facsimile of a slew of heroes, but the writing around the character could not be more predictable.

The character even had his version of Alfred, who was also reconstructed in true Garth Ennis style, until he choked Tek Knight to death for the deal he had struck with Homelander and Sister Sage. However, Kripke revealed in an interview with Variety that Tek Knight is supposed to be a take on the “fascist underpinnings” of Batman’s character.

Eric Kripke thought the Batcave is just one degree off of a s*x dungeon

The BatcaveThe Batcave || DC

Speaking with Variety, Eric Kripke talked about why he thought Tek Knight would have a s*x dungeon in his basement, and why he would directly affiliate it with his superhero brand. The answer is simple: Eric Kripke thinks, that with all the leather suits and whatnot, Batman’s Batcave might very well pass off as a s*x dungeon. He said:

Tek Knight was already set up to be a freak, so we were kind of already halfway there. Then the notion came up of, he should have a Batcave — but let’s be honest, the Batcave would be a sex dungeon.

Like, even the real Batcave is just this side of being a sex dungeon. It’s really dark, and there’s rubber suits everywhere. It’s not that much of a push to add a couple dildos and then a weird urinal that turns into a face mask

Since the character is dead, fans are not very happy that he was wasted like this. While the show has done a great job of adapting characters like Soldier Boy and The Deep, who are arguably worse off in the comics, the creators did fumble with Tek Knight, and it could not come at a worse time.

The character’s distorted adaptation comes at a time when audiences are seemingly losing interest in the series, something that can be changed with the remaining two episodes. Of course, given that Season 5 will be the final leg of the story, there is a huge possibility that the show will end on a cliffhanger.

The Boys Season 4 is currently streaming on Amazon Prime Video