One House of the Dragon character has seen constant comparisons to Jon Snow since season 2 began, but there are many crucial distinctions between the…

One of the most popular Aemond Targaryen theories is now way less plausible after House of the Dragon season 2, episode 2. “Rhaenyra the Cruel”…

While Daemon Targaryen isn’t always the most likable guy, it’s hard not to appreciate Matt Smith’s outstanding performance in House of the Dragon, and…

Aegon the Conqueror’s dream, which he called A Song of Ice and Fire, is revealed in House of the Dragon, a surprising twist that…

House of the Dragon season 2, episode 3 brings back Aegon the Conqueror’s A Song of Ice and Fire, and it changes the show’s…

The House of the Dragon season 2, episode 4 trailer teases the next step in the Dance of the Dragons as both sides march closer…

The Battle of the Burning Mill occurs off-screen in House of the Dragon season 2, episode 3, leaving its contents and real background a mystery…

The big cameo from House of the Dragon season 2, episode 3 gets a detailed breakdown from director Geeta Vasant Patel. In the newest installment…

Another member of House Hightower is introduced in House of the Dragon season 2, episode 3, begging the questions of where Gwayne Hightower has been…