How NYC does the life by the sea. Anne Hathaway is a city girl at heart, which means she’ll have a city girl’s interpretation…

Anne Hathaway has shown off her range as an actress in so many projects over the years. She’s done it all, but The Devil Wears…

The Walking Dead is one of the biggest series on television thanks to its devotion to character development, brilliant makeup effects, and intriguing storyline. Now, working…

The folks who died on the show are thriving in real life The Walking Dead kills characters like you or I change socks, so…

Anne Hathaway has been a star for decades, but her age is still a mystery to many fans who are left baffled by…

01of 22 Give them some props! JOSH STRINGER/AMC; JACE DOWNS/AMC (2) The cast and producers of The Walking Dead liberated some famous props and mementos…

01of 19 Best of the best ‘The Walking Dead’ cast. GENE PAGE/AMC (3) The cast members of The Walking Dead select the scenes and episodes that…

PHOTO: JAMES DITTIGER/TNT Falling Skies wrapped up its fourth season Sunday with what may be the show’s most hopeful yet most enigmatic season closer.…

The following contains out-of-this-world spoilers from the Falling Skies finale. It was back in May, during Upfronts week and more than a month before Falling Skies‘…