Yoda holds a hand to his head in distress, edited with him wielding his green lightsaberThe Jedi’s struggle against the Sith began long before Luke faced off against Darth Vader, and The Acolyte has made it undeniable that Yoda could have helped them prepare for the oncoming threat. Yoda’s incredibly long lifespan has given him the unique opportunity to gather wisdom and experience over the centuries that he uses to lead the Jedi as their Grand Master. When the Sith once again become active in the galaxy, the Jedi could have been much better equipped to deal with the threat if Yoda had utilized the knowledge that he acquired a hundred years prior.

As the leader of the Jedi, Yoda’s responsibilities are enormous. While the occasional misstep is understandable, Master Yoda should have gathered enough information over the years to prepare the Jedi for an upcoming attack by the Sith. Beyond the Sith, the Jedi also faced a growing skepticism from the senate. Yoda’s failure to explore the possible threats to the Jedi’s security put them at risk of collapse. A hundred years later, that’s exactly what would happen.

Master Yoda Had Hints Of The Sith For A Full Century

He Didn’t Use That Time Wisely

Yoda with clone troopers behind him during Order 66
Yoda looking up on Dagobah in The Empire Strikes Back. Yoda in The Phantom Menace looking curious
Yoda looking back in Attack of the Clones with a serious expression Yoda wielding a green lightsaber in Attack of the ClonesYoda with clone troopers behind him during Order 66 Yoda looking up on Dagobah in The Empire Strikes Back. Yoda in The Phantom Menace looking curious Yoda looking back in Attack of the Clones with a serious expression Yoda wielding a green lightsaber in Attack of the ClonesWhen the Sith begin to stir again in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, Yoda is quick to minimize the threat. He reacts slowly, as if the Sith might only just be reawakening. As far as the other Jedi know, the Sith have been dormant for a thousand years. However, The Acolyte reveals that Yoda should have been aware of their movements long before Darth Maul’s introduction. Despite being caught off guard, the Jedi should have been able to react much faster when Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon reported on their run-in with Darth Maul on Tatooine.

If Yoda had known the Sith were active a hundred years before, why would he have kept that information from them? For some reason, Yoda neglected to heed any warnings he might have gleaned from the other Jedi at the time of The Acolyte. Instead of using that time to train the Jedi to fight against powerful agents of the dark side, Yoda allows them to continue their belief that the galaxy is at peace and their power in the Force is uncontested.

Yoda Discounted Warnings From Senators Who Were Right To Fear The Jedi

The Jedi Would One Day Intertwine With The Senate

Senator Rayencourt (David Harewood) questions Master Vernestra about the deaths of the Jedi Masters in The Acolyte season 1 episode 8Image via Disney+

Even an entire century before the events of the prequel trilogy, Republic senators were beginning to become wary of the Jedi and their power. Senator Rayencourt specifically points out that their desire to control their own emotions would one day have terrible consequences. He reminds Master Vernestra Rwoh that the Jedi are only human (in the non-literal sense), and that it would only be a matter of time before one of them eventually snaps under the pressure that the Jedi put on themselves.

It becomes all too easy for him to convince the rest of the Republic that the Jedi had become the enemy.

Rayencourt is right, of course. Only a century later, Anakin Skywalker will self-destruct as a direct result of the Jedi’s strict code. Despite the years of warnings from senators like Rayencourt, Yoda still neglects to direct Anakin correctly. Anakin’s downfall takes the entire Galactic Republic down with him because the Senate lost its faith in the Jedi’s ability to prioritize their best interests. With Palpatine acting as the Supreme Chancellor, it becomes all too easy for him to convince the rest of the Republic that the Jedi had become the enemy.

Yoda Held The Jedi Back Worse Than We Thought

A Disaster In The Making

Yoda in The Phantom Menace looking curious Yoda wielding a green lightsaber in Attack of the Clones Yoda Wields a green lightsaber in Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones, facing off against a red lightsaber Yoda about to be attacked by clone troopers during Order 66 in Revenge of the Sith Star Wars- Jedi Master Yoda and Darth Vader Wield Lightsabers in a combined image with Darth Vader to the left and Yoda to the rightYoda in The Phantom Menace looking curious Yoda wielding a green lightsaber in Attack of the Clones Yoda Wields a green lightsaber in Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones, facing off against a red lightsaber Yoda about to be attacked by clone troopers during Order 66 in Revenge of the Sith Star Wars- Jedi Master Yoda and Darth Vader Wield Lightsabers in a combined image with Darth Vader to the left and Yoda to the right

Yoda’s complacency and reluctance to believe that the Jedi could be threatened by not only the Sith, but the Senate’s confidence in them as well, would set them up to fall perfectly into Palpatine’s plot. As it turns out, the Jedi were beginning to develop those same weaknesses during the time of The Acolyte. Over the many decades between the prequel trilogy and The AcolyteYoda could have slowly and steadily empowered the Jedi to withstand the oncoming threats.

Unfortunately, the story of Star Wars could not exist if Yoda had actually taken steps to prepare the Jedi for the emergence of a powerful Sith Lord. The Acolyte brilliantly hides its story in a shadowed time in the Jedi’s history so as not to break canon, but it also puts more blame on Yoda’s small green shoulders. After all the time he had to prepare for Sidious’ attack, it’s no wonder the Grand Master elected to retreat into exile.

All episodes of The Acolyte are now streaming on Disney+.